Tuesday, April 12, 2011

when people break you..
you don't break them the same way.
instead, you pick up the bits and pieces
and put the puzzle altogether again...

in that way, you show them 
that you are way smarter than them
and braver when you completed the broken parts.
I haven’t really told much about me to new followers so….
Here I am scribbling something unworthily of my time. HAHAHA..


Time started: 11:58pm

Sex: Female
Birthday: May 22
Siblings: 2 older brothers, and a sister.. plus a brother-in-law. (hahaha)

Eye color: Light Brown
Shoe size: 6

What are you wearing: boardshorts and a tank top
Where do you live:  Isla de Davao
Righty or lefty: Righty

Can you make a dollar in change right now: no.
Best place for a date?: carribean!
Where is your fav place to shop: tech shops. :))

Favorite kind of plant: a kind of rose known as snow fire.
Fave Color: green :p
Fave Number:  5 7 8

Fave Boys Name: Lhjuayrbhyaaja :) bwahahaha..
Fave Girls Name: klagbkvls
Fave Sport: baseball (because i played during highschool), badminton, frisbee, sungka.. HAHAHA. :)) chinese garter.

Fave Month: May and December :P
Movies: got loads..
Juice: Mangolicious.

Finger: MIDDLE! :PP
Breakfast food: bacon and coffee.. and some eggs. :) pancake with honey glazed.
Favorite cartoon character(s): Powerpuff Bubbles, Tigger, Dexter, ...

Given anyone a bath: booooooooboo.
Smoked: nope
Made yourself throw-up: yes. i ate something disgusting (ugh!) and i need to throw up else i'll get poisoned.

Gone skinny dipping: i think so.. hhhmmm.. days of innocence.
Eaten a dog: Never. EW!
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: no.

Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes.
Broken a bone? Dislocated a bone. YES.. but never broken bones.
Played truth or dare: It’s always lame but yes

Been in a physical fight: yeah sorta
Been in a police car: No
Been on a plane: Yep

Come close to dying: Sort of.
Been in a sauna: yes
Been in a hot tub: yes

Cried when someone died: yes.
Cried in school: yes
Fell off your chair: yes

Wait for someone’s phone call all night: YES.
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yes.
Saved e-mails: YES!

Fallen for one of your best friends: Not really
Made out with JUST a friend?: Nope.
Used someone: No.


What is…


Whats your good luck charm? green bracelet.
Best song you ever heard:  :) i heard loads of great songs.
What’s your bedroom like: painted white and plain.. with loads of post its. :)

Last thing you said: goodnight z. goodnight sai. :))
What is beside you?: the stuffed toys my bf gave me.
Last thing you ate: family meal in Chowking.

What kind of shampoo do you use?: Loreal thingy with the tingy smell for kids. :PP
Best thing that has happened to you this year: GREAT GRADES!
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Masscom stuff

Have you had…


Chicken pox: yes
Sore Throat: yes
Stitches: no
Broken nose: No


Do You.


Believe in love at first sight: not really. NO LOVE.
Like school: sort of.
What schools have you gone to: Lasalle, IIT, Ateneo.

Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: no
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Just one - my boyfriend.. HAHAHA.. :)
Who was the last person that called you: Xie. :P

Who was the last person you slow danced with: Xie still
What makes you laugh the most?: hhhmmm..
What makes you smile?: Food.


Last Person..


You yelled at: Some idiot.
Who broke your heart: XIE!
Told you that they love you: Xie.
Is your loudest friend: THESA!!! OMG!


Do you/Are You:


Do you like filling these out? i just did.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Both.
Do you like yourself: Often but not always.

Do you get along with your family: YES.
Stolen anything over $50: no.
Obsessive Compulsive?: about the floor.
Anorexic?: Nope
Suicidal?: ...


Final questions


What are you listening to right now?: The Script - Nothing
What did you do yesterday: Went to school
Have you hated someone in your family: long time ago. i think i did. HAHAHA.. i thought.

Got any awards: YES. A lot. :) hahaha..
What car do you wish to have: HUMMER! Muscle cars. :) rawr!
Where do you want to get married: Jeju Island. HAHA.. aaaahhh..
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: my big tackless mouth.

Good driver: safe driver.
Good Singer: i can.. a bit.
Have a lava lamp: a small one. :P

How many remote controls are in your house: yes. with so much TV? HAHAHA.. i can hardly count.
Are you double jointed: no
What do you dream about: bad dreams lately.
Last time you showered: this afternoon. :P

Last time you took a bath: washed just a few minutes ago.
Scary or happy movies: Happy
Chocolate or white chocolate:  dark chocolate.

Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Root beer.
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Mud. Sexy. HAHAHA.
Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate.

Summer or winter: Summer
Silver or Gold: Platinum. HAHAHA.
Diamond or pearl: Diamond.

Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
Enjoy. Me.


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