Friday, April 29, 2011

On the Spot!

So we had food trip with my girlfriends today...

What the heck?! its been more than a week since I haven't seen my girls. All I did was go to school in the afternoon, do my homework at night, eat, sleep, go to church, check my mail.. then loop. But today was a day to fill out tummies with so much food and laugh our asses off. From Ateneo to Harley's where we had early dinner, then off to NCCC where we spent time looking at some stuff then drove all the way to SM for the sale galore but instead of buying stuffs, we ended up buying food.

So I brought my DSLR with me today and had a chance to play around.
:) So here's some quick snapshots with my girls!

me, Atheena and Tina at Harley's :) Dinner at 6pm.

Fooling around. :) bunny ears!!

must love frozen yogurt!! i'll be on the go!

burp yum! :) done and done.

from full to empty.. stomach's happy now.

Thank you girls. Then again. :)

Issue no. 2: They rise as we continue to fall

Since I had worked on some bad issues regarding economics in the previous blog, let me point out that  its not all about the bad news. 

Asian-owned businesses grow sharply in US 

Agence France-Presse
First Posted 08:56:00 04/29/2011

Filed Under: business, Statistics

WASHINGTON—Businesses owned by AsianAmericans have grown at more than twice the national average, offering a boost to the United States economy, official figures said Thursday.
Releasing a survey taken twice each decade, the Census Bureau said that Asian Americans owned 1.5 million businesses in 2007, a rise of 40 percent from five years earlier. The national growth rate was 18 percent.
"Asian-owned businesses continued to be one of the strongest segments of our nation's economy," ThomasMesenbourg, the deputy director of the Census Bureau, said in a statement
The businesses generated more than $500 billion in sales in 2007 and employed some 2.8 million people, the Census Bureau said.
Of Asian-owned businesses, more than one-quarter were run by Chinese Americans. Businesses owned by Vietnamese Americans were among the fastest growing, increasing nearly 56 percent over the five-year period.
Businesses by most US minority groups have been growing strongly, with African American-owned firms soaring more than 60 percent between 2002 and 2007.
The United States is becoming increasingly diverse. The latest census found nearly 14.7 million Asian Americans, a rise of nearly half from a decade earlier. Only the US Hispanic population grew more quickly.


Personal Reflection:

This article definitely made a good point to growing problems with regards to business and enterprise. The proof that anybody can still make it in the global market remains to push as to create a pragmatic difference in the lives of many people. In my own personal view, I am definitely in the game of economic challenge, although it is not as easy as it sounds and how these business grew in United States, still I believe that there is hope to spare for us here in the Philippines.

As for the present state of our market shares in our country, I have seen that the power of hardwork and perseverance can lead to an astounding goal of success. With the diversified level of intellect of Filipinos, I think that there is another way out of this poverty line. If other Asian countries are able to penetrate to the global market, there is also a great possibility for us (Filipinos) to actually break in. With respect to raw materials, we have great advantage than other nations. As I can see, there is a better chance for us to progress than other neighboring countries who actually import raw materials to make products. Our labor force is also abundant, we have skilled workers in most aspects of work loads which means that we can make our own product in our market and we can also export on our own. Philippine market is highly competitive but it is not as strong as other free markets across the world.

Major problem: As to the many interesting reasons on how our country can progress, I think that in the nature of government that we have now, the chance of growth and development is unlikely or close to undefined. The government are more particular with other things such as pork barrel than having to come up with better economic perspective. In lieu to this belief, I think that the government themselves hardly pass a plan for a larger and long term goal of success with economic issues. They are more concerned with road reconstructions (which is also important but it seems that it is not as paved as it should have been) or tourism (which is one major source of income) and sending other Filipinos abroad (OFWs who send remittances to their families which in return increases the ROI in banking). Isn't there any other projects that they can think of that can help businesses or good production for exports?

Then it hit me, poverty arouse from uncanny and selfish law makers who take tax monies and place them in their pockets. If they could have done some deals with other foreign nations to build other businesses and expand the investment world, lessen the terrorism, maybe we can be highly competitive now. If their share of interest is not only for themselves, maybe our country could be progressive now as we speak.

In the world of business, there is always a risk. The government should take a risk. Sitting pretty and making laws, passing bills isn't all the reason why these people are voted anyways, otherwise we could have sent lawyers instead of active people in both Senate and Congress.
Like I said earlier, it is not as easy as it seems. If progress can be achieved by Vietnamese, there is hope for us. If Chinese can turn the world upside down, why can't we? If Japan had not worked internally and cooperated, they could still be the ill-fated country once bombarded by Atomic bombs. If Philippines had peso-dollar exchange rate close to 1:1 in the earlier years, why can't it now?

Factors, factors. So many factors. But think about this: If people were to work hard, think outside of the box, grow from the mistakes made by the previous lawmakers, then maybe we can move mountains.

In the future. I remain. My faith remains.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

trial page

Chapter 4 Notes

Hey guys..

here's where i uploaded the notes for Chapter 4.. in case you wanna get it. :)

and all the rest of the notes if you wanna get it.

please check.
Thanks much.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

true. Some people are just plain ungrateful with their life...
It is by far an eye opener for all of us to be thankful to everyone who comes into out life...

Today a TV personality died- AJ Perez...
God takes away our lives in an instant in his own time, not ours...
So, whatever and whoever we have now... let us take time to be thankful
and recognize their worth..

You never know, that person you love might be gone
tomorrow. :(

Econ Notes :)

Hi guys.

This just came.
Download speed is killing me.

Anyways.. I made a yahoo group for everyone to add on.
it is

find the email add as:

if you don't have a yahoo account, need not to worry...
Feel free to comment on this note and send me your email add, that way I can respond to you
as soon as I can.

For other reference, I can also share through gmail since i have already posted this is my gmail documents ready for share. :)
For other questions and queries, feel free to ask me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
I have already posted 4 notes as given by Sir James.

God bless guys. Study hard! Break a leg!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Economics Homework: Race to Oil Price Hike

Gov’t gains P1.2B from high oil prices 

2-month windfall to finance subsidy program
By Ronnel Domingo
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 20:24:00 04/13/2011

Filed Under: Oil & Gas - Downstream activities, Earnings,State Budget & Taxes, Government
MANILA, Philippines—The Aquino administration enjoyed a windfall of some P1.2 billion in January and February from surging prices of oil imports, Finance Undersecretary Gil S. Beltran said.
Beltran said in an interview that the unexpected gain came from collections of value-added tax on petroleumproducts, the prices of which were pegged at about $89 a barrel in the first two months of the year.
Tax collections rise along with world oil prices since the higher the price, the higher the proportionate and corresponding value of the 12-percent VAT.
Citing preliminary figures, Beltran said that P500 million of the total windfall was registered in January alone.
“Around P700 million was collected in February but this figure is not yet final,” he said, adding that the windfall probably continued in March along with the sustained increase in international oil prices.
Last Tuesday, oil companies jacked up pump prices of gasoline and diesel by P1.50 to P1.75 a liter.
This was the 12th time that prices increased since the start of 2011, bringing to P9.60 and P9.85 the cumulative increases per liter of gasoline and diesel, respectively.
The Department of Finance (DoF) recommended that the VAT on petroleum products be collected as usual despite calls for its removal as prices shoot up due to tensions in the Middle East.
Based on a DoF document, the department said removing the tax or putting a cap on it was ill-advised considering that VAT on oil amounted to P47 billion in 2010, representing 12.5 percent of total VAT collections for the year and 4.3 percent of total tax revenues.
“Removal of the VAT on oil will cause major dislocation in the finances of the government,” the DoF said.
“A cap on VAT on oil will also render revenue programming uncertain since it will be made hostage to the movement in oil prices,” the agency added.
For 2011 when the government expects to spend P300 billion over the budget, Malacañang hopes to raise a total of P1.41 trillion in revenues.
The DoF said the abolition of the VAT on oil was also bound to benefit the rich more than the poor because petroleum products were consumed directly more by those in the middle- and high-income economic groups.


Personal reaction:

We all know that petroleum industry holds most of the primer ladder in economics. The world consumes 30 billion barrels (4.8 km³) of oil per year, with developed nations being the largest consumers. With the oil price hike, economists would also opt to change the prices of other goods and commodities sold in the market.
The high oil prices played a critical role in substantially reducing economic growth in most of these cases. But let us not put all the blame to the increasing price of oil in the global market. In this article, the variable of the case goes solely to the major setbacks in tax rates supplemented to petroleum. I believe the author is right. With the staggering oil price increase and a decrease in tax for petroleum products, a slight change would be seen by other people which is mostly from the middle to the high class society. Prices of commodities would be the same, which is high for that matter. The people more affected are those in the average and poverty level. 

Consider this:
Middle to High Class: they can afford cars(those who consume more on petrol) meaning they have stable jobs, they  have businesses, they can afford loans, they have houses, they can pay rent. Although they spent a lot on petroleum, they also have a source of income.
Low to Poverty Level: they don't have cars (so this does not affect them much), however, if oil prices increases, so would the other commodities. These people don't have a stable jobs, they can be manual laborers, low paid workers and limited budget workers like sales ladies in the supermarket. Imagine, if they have 6,000/month salary, the budget goes to food, for family consumption, light and water bills, some for rent, to pay other dues. Let us consider the fact that we are living in a world that everything has a price to pay.

So, Removal of the VAT on oil will cause major dislocation in the finances of the government , TRUE. The allocation of other levels in the pie would be disturbed. Maybe the only reason for such removal is because the government themselves are major consumers in the market for oil.
Statement two, A cap on VAT on oil will also render revenue programming uncertain since it will be made hostage to the movement in oil prices, then again I agree. There would be major setbacks in the allocation of tax rates to other areas. There would again be issues concerning where to allocate the tax apprehended from petroleum that was removed, and that we all know that petroleum tax has the highest effect according to empirical studies.
As as I have pointed earlier, we have to look for solutions to problems that can remove the escalating poverty levels in the Philippines. They scarcity of resources should not be blamed but the efficiency of the government who handles the decision making in the market. They should think out of the box, better yet, they should put themselves in the shoes of the poor.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The guy's story

The touching love story <-- this is a link. Its a vimeo clip so I couldn't download it.

click on this link and find out what you might miss in your life.
I found this video in tumblr and watched it for a while...

This was the line:

ONE OF THE VIDEOS I LOOOOOVE THE MOSTA friend of mine wants to make a video for his girl who is about to go abroad for 3 months and he kind of wanted to give her something before she leaves - he’s planning to confess his love for her. So his friend (who made the two videos I showed you guys) helped him make a (different kind of) video. 
They went to 11 significant places (in their relationship), took 2, 500 photos and made a short clip that will capture the heart of the girl. 

Then i was like... ACK!!! Omg! i want to make one! Something that could touch a life. :( it was both heartbreaking and heavenly... 

The day all the rest of the days became lame

So yesterday, I was bummed. I got home from school and got nothing much to do. So I did something I have thought for a while.. put my heels off and wore my ragged old shoes. Yes, it's been awhile since I looked like some teenage kid who pops out of nowhere and snatches the next thing that comes my way...

Great! But I can't be that. I thought, my summer ain't turning so well and my classes are all crammed in the afternoon, I do my homework in time and read my books before anything else soo.. I have all the convenience of my leisure time.

ragged old shoes and my iPod
April 13, 2011 I put on my ipod, went downstairs and sat on the grass for a while. I really haven't done this before and I planned to but I just haven't... Like any other days, I checked my mail and responded to any important messages, which mostly are from my boyfriend who's having his vacation somewhere in the States.. So they just arrived in Chicago, that is..

I feel kinda cranky because it's been about a week since I haven't talked to him. I don't get to see him everyday because we are on long distance terms but we talk every single day. Not a day missed.. not unless the signal got so blown up or network becomes unparalleled.

So here I am, battling with my leisure time, feeding my brain with useful stuff and thinking about my next articles... for my workshop.

As for now, I have just spent 5minutes of my time writing this non sense. Maybe sometime soon, when I get the chance to read this again, I might say I did something pretty lame but maybe I'll smile.

And oh! We just had our first shoot for the project today... it isn't done yet so I'll probably be working on the edits later. As for now, I might get some sleep. :) I mean a quick nap.

Ciao bella! :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My favorite film review made!


I made this review the other year... for my film class (HUM 3)
I loved it because this is by far one of the most read review i had... and it was straight and justified.

I hope you'll watch the movie too. its a bit sensual though.

Masochistic Exhibition

Simplifying the pleasure of the gaze in the film is quite a fascinating approach to a co-existing imagery of patriarchal projection of scopophilic dimension of a male form. In the film “The Dreamers” by Bernardo Bertolucci spraddled the manifestation of the female as an object and that the woman became a symbol of interest and voyeurism. The film contained erotic gazes centralizing in the existence of sex, masturbation, nude bodies and desires to promulgate the latter. Because of this, all male interests and needs are exalted while females are made subservient to male desires making the film more overt to patriarchal spectatorship. The movie's theme would constantly would probably about cultural revolution in the bridge of war set in 1960's. What makes the movie surprisingly effective is its subdued respect for movie itself oblivious to what is going on outside. The debates about Chaplin and Keaton, the games on film dexterity, and the record run through the Louvre in Godard's Bande à part were the memorable parts of the film aside from the aesthetically presented alienation of bodies striking anywhere. This is the perverted take on the appeal of innocence and divergent. It satisfies the male interest with excessive exercise of peeping toms and voyeurs in a controlling sense to gratify the pleasurable instance of distinctive development of the film itself. The film was more of the character building rather than the story. 
The presence of 2 male forms and one female describes the explicit ideology of tension drive between an overlying form of ego identification and the libido in the state of mocking and provoking the viewers to partake such an indispensable fantasy of a man and and a woman making love. The heroine Isabelle(Eva Green) became a display of sexual desires in the leit-motif of the spectacle and also the pin-up where Theo (Louis Garrel) masturbated in front of. As projected in the story, the radical exhibition of passion takes one step closer than the usual favoring the cinephilia over politics. It generally reminds the audience the indulgence of sinful gazes and approach on youth and perhaps the collective culture itself. Cinematography is one thing, the admirable and cautious transcendental approach of Bertolucci came about creating a more sinful atmosphere in the midst. It can be considered a controversial film with such relative exposure of bodies and skin and the power of gestures and makes it more vindictive. Bertolucci's fetish for wild hot sex has been taken to the upper level. The setting was also a great adept to increase the passion and the love for cinemas as well as the overusing heat of sex and contentment. The re-enacted montage of film was also greatly delivered by the actors stiking a more featuristic approach to movie lovers and cinemaphilias. The riot also signifies the intensity and the array of life in the film.
This wonderfully crafted film is a demonstration of a relatively indistinct representation of control and deeper disintegration of ideas and beliefs beyond bewilderment. It is recommended for film viewers whose intellect matches the intricate form the movie. For those of you who wants action and a fast-paced intricately made avenue for sex and desire, this would be a great movie to watch out for. The high eroticism favors the psychoanalytic deception of minds and interest for scopophilia.
when people break you..
you don't break them the same way.
instead, you pick up the bits and pieces
and put the puzzle altogether again...

in that way, you show them 
that you are way smarter than them
and braver when you completed the broken parts.
I haven’t really told much about me to new followers so….
Here I am scribbling something unworthily of my time. HAHAHA..


Time started: 11:58pm

Sex: Female
Birthday: May 22
Siblings: 2 older brothers, and a sister.. plus a brother-in-law. (hahaha)

Eye color: Light Brown
Shoe size: 6

What are you wearing: boardshorts and a tank top
Where do you live:  Isla de Davao
Righty or lefty: Righty

Can you make a dollar in change right now: no.
Best place for a date?: carribean!
Where is your fav place to shop: tech shops. :))

Favorite kind of plant: a kind of rose known as snow fire.
Fave Color: green :p
Fave Number:  5 7 8

Fave Boys Name: Lhjuayrbhyaaja :) bwahahaha..
Fave Girls Name: klagbkvls
Fave Sport: baseball (because i played during highschool), badminton, frisbee, sungka.. HAHAHA. :)) chinese garter.

Fave Month: May and December :P
Movies: got loads..
Juice: Mangolicious.

Finger: MIDDLE! :PP
Breakfast food: bacon and coffee.. and some eggs. :) pancake with honey glazed.
Favorite cartoon character(s): Powerpuff Bubbles, Tigger, Dexter, ...

Given anyone a bath: booooooooboo.
Smoked: nope
Made yourself throw-up: yes. i ate something disgusting (ugh!) and i need to throw up else i'll get poisoned.

Gone skinny dipping: i think so.. hhhmmm.. days of innocence.
Eaten a dog: Never. EW!
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: no.

Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes.
Broken a bone? Dislocated a bone. YES.. but never broken bones.
Played truth or dare: It’s always lame but yes

Been in a physical fight: yeah sorta
Been in a police car: No
Been on a plane: Yep

Come close to dying: Sort of.
Been in a sauna: yes
Been in a hot tub: yes

Cried when someone died: yes.
Cried in school: yes
Fell off your chair: yes

Wait for someone’s phone call all night: YES.
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yes.
Saved e-mails: YES!

Fallen for one of your best friends: Not really
Made out with JUST a friend?: Nope.
Used someone: No.


What is…


Whats your good luck charm? green bracelet.
Best song you ever heard:  :) i heard loads of great songs.
What’s your bedroom like: painted white and plain.. with loads of post its. :)

Last thing you said: goodnight z. goodnight sai. :))
What is beside you?: the stuffed toys my bf gave me.
Last thing you ate: family meal in Chowking.

What kind of shampoo do you use?: Loreal thingy with the tingy smell for kids. :PP
Best thing that has happened to you this year: GREAT GRADES!
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Masscom stuff

Have you had…


Chicken pox: yes
Sore Throat: yes
Stitches: no
Broken nose: No


Do You.


Believe in love at first sight: not really. NO LOVE.
Like school: sort of.
What schools have you gone to: Lasalle, IIT, Ateneo.

Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: no
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Just one - my boyfriend.. HAHAHA.. :)
Who was the last person that called you: Xie. :P

Who was the last person you slow danced with: Xie still
What makes you laugh the most?: hhhmmm..
What makes you smile?: Food.


Last Person..


You yelled at: Some idiot.
Who broke your heart: XIE!
Told you that they love you: Xie.
Is your loudest friend: THESA!!! OMG!


Do you/Are You:


Do you like filling these out? i just did.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Both.
Do you like yourself: Often but not always.

Do you get along with your family: YES.
Stolen anything over $50: no.
Obsessive Compulsive?: about the floor.
Anorexic?: Nope
Suicidal?: ...


Final questions


What are you listening to right now?: The Script - Nothing
What did you do yesterday: Went to school
Have you hated someone in your family: long time ago. i think i did. HAHAHA.. i thought.

Got any awards: YES. A lot. :) hahaha..
What car do you wish to have: HUMMER! Muscle cars. :) rawr!
Where do you want to get married: Jeju Island. HAHA.. aaaahhh..
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: my big tackless mouth.

Good driver: safe driver.
Good Singer: i can.. a bit.
Have a lava lamp: a small one. :P

How many remote controls are in your house: yes. with so much TV? HAHAHA.. i can hardly count.
Are you double jointed: no
What do you dream about: bad dreams lately.
Last time you showered: this afternoon. :P

Last time you took a bath: washed just a few minutes ago.
Scary or happy movies: Happy
Chocolate or white chocolate:  dark chocolate.

Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Root beer.
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Mud. Sexy. HAHAHA.
Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate.

Summer or winter: Summer
Silver or Gold: Platinum. HAHAHA.
Diamond or pearl: Diamond.

Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
Enjoy. Me.

You can also follow me.

:) ahaha. i am a photography junkie so if you want to check out my site, please do.
have fun browsing.


A 20-YEAR-OLD student was stabbed dead by a secret admirer past midnight on Monday.
The victim was identified as Michelle Aaron Lubaton, student of the Ateneo de Davao University and native of Surala, South Cotabato.
Lubaton was declared dead on arrival at the Southern Philippines Medical Center (SPMC) after she was stabbed dead by Jhunel (name withheld for being a minor), 16, a resident of Barangay Tibungco around 2:30 a.m. on Monday along Ponce street, Barangay 28-C Poblacion, Davao City.

Gaspar Avila, owner of GMGK Apartment where the victim resided, told Sun.Star SuperBalita that he heard loud noises and screams inside the victim's room.
Avila added that the suspect was his helper since he suffered from stroke.
The suspect immediately fled the second floor of the apartment by jumping off the gate. Jhunel reportedly sustained wounds from the sharp iron grills.
"Sa akong nahibaloan sa among pag-istoryahanay sa suspek, naa siyay pagnanasa sa victim kay gwapa man god si Michelle. Si Jhunel gyud ang suspect kay naa may nakakita sa iya nga migawas sa kwarto (I know from our previous conversations that Jhunel wanted the victim since Michelle was very pretty. Someone saw him leaving her room at the time of the incident)," Rommel, Jhunel's cousin said.
Rommel told Sun.Star SuperBalita that the suspect was jailed twice before for robbery charges in Tibungco.
"Napriso naman daw na siya. Mianhi lang na siya diri sa amoa kay mitabang pagbantay sa among Uncle Gaspar (He lived with us to help take care of Uncle Gaspar)," Rommel said.
Senior Inspector Ronald Lao, chief of the Sta. Ana Police Station, told Sun.Star SuperBalita Monday afternoon that they have launched manhunt operations to locate Jhunel.
As of press time, police have yet to determine the motive for the crime and still await the autopsy results on the victim's body. (AD)

Ok, so i just heard this from my teacher this afternoon. This year isn't the year we expected. Ateneo has had so much experience this year. Last March, a student died of some illness, in the school campus.. At that same week, another student was actually stabbed to death..

Ateneo is not to be blamed but it is really unfortunate that such misfortunes happened before the new President of ADDU takes his seat.
And we mourn for the loss of these students. We also pray for their souls. This is a very unsafe world. Not even in the comfort of our rooms would we find safety.
For all the students, be aware of your surroundings. Be cautious with your things. Never walk alone in the streets late at night. Never show off your things. Be aware of your health.. Life is simply beautiful to waste.

And we hope there would be justice to this mishap. I pray that the local police will find the culprit soon.
We continue to pray.