Monday, April 27, 2015

Tips to feats of Twenty Somethings

I am in no position to give advises since I am not (1) a doctor (2) Psychiatrist (3) Teacher (4) high profiled individual (5) a mother. But one thing’s for sure, we all pass this way for around 9 years of our life.

Quick revert, everything I will write here is about my own personal experience, the people close to me, the people I know. So should you have concerns regarding this personal blog, I will not take in offense to any of your justifiable reactions so as long as you respect the opinion of other people too.

I am twenty-something, heading towards the oblivious post twenty and no I ain’t scared of getting there, it’s an exciting predicament. 

What I would like to share are the tips that I have learned along the way to get through with being in the twenty zone. I’m not sure if these are useful but these tools are the wide scope of getting your feet together and getting along with life in the future.

1.       Love your parents above all else.
However you argue with them or however you disagree on matters on hand, remember that they passed the way you had. You may often find yourself into situations where you might think you’re right, but most of the time, they are. I mean, the only reason why they do so as not to allow you in certain situations is because (a) they don’t want to risk your safety (b) experiences bring them discomfort to such predicament (c) budget constraints.

2.       You can never truly say “the fault in the stars” unless you base your life story to a fictional character.
I believe in the saying everything happens for a reason but beyond reasons, we all make our life choices, including our lifestyle, the people we hang out with, the direction we choose when we drive, choosing anger over rationality.  Stuff like so. I’m not certain for sure, but should there be karma, its always a good one. I choose not to believe in bad karma since I’m optimistic. Then again, these are choices and we are entitled to have one.

3.       Respect your body.
Do I need to expound this? You are what you eat. You are what you become because of the things you choose to do. It is not about doing work outs everyday; the simplest way to say it is choosing to walk than using the escalator. That will make a difference, unless you are in a hurry.

4.       Choose your weapon well.
Words can be swords and may be harmful to the other person or to you. You will never know when the boomerang hits. What goes around comes around. So ideally, think before we click. We all know young adults like our age are often hyper and sensitive to what people has to say but it doesn’t mean it will dictate your emotional constraint. By the time you grow old and you look back at all your FACEBOOK WALLPOSTS,  you might regret a thing or two and basically ask yourself, why did I do this.

5.       Wear Sunscreen
It protects your skin from ageing. You would not believe what sunscreen can do for you. By the time you grow older, believe me, Baz Luhrman was right.

6.       Don’t read beauty magazines, it will only make you feel ugly.
Well, that applies to me. It doesn’t mean it applies to everyone. But for some reason, we all have our infidelities because we see photoshopped models wearing that cute tank top that you love but when you wear it, it wouldn’t look as appealing as it does in magazines.

7.       Travel.
Its therapeutic, a new environment will help you learn. Try backpacking. Travel without the hefty cash. Ride the topload of a jeep towards Sagada. Try doing something you really wanna try in a different place, may it be local or foreign. Who cares? When you get older, you get weaker and you won’t experience the kind of adrenaline rush as you have in your twenties.

8.       Get a life.
You may love your job so much that you spend most of your waking hours in the office but don’t get yourself stuck. Go out there and enjoy life,  but in everything you do, be cautious still.

9.       Learn how to drive.
A bump car would do so as long as you experience the need to steer the wheel.

10.   Do things that will make you happy.
When you are to start your family, the family comes first, mostly the kids, so you would have less time for yourself (but never no time for self). So when you’re at it, learn a new instrument (maracas would be fine), a new language, go out, whichever makes you happy. It’s your CARPE DIEM sort of thing.

11.   Forgive. Love. Forgive. Love.
It’s a turn around. You can never truly love unless you forgive your past.

12.   Dance so randomly.
Don’t be shy. Give it a try. Dance in the shower (be careful of the slippery floor though), dance in the car (while in the traffic, don’t mind the people beside you, they don’t know who you are), dance in your room, dance alone, with a friend, with an imaginary friend; enjoy the music. It releases endorphins, happy hormones are the best!

13.   Laugh so hard that you feel like you need to catch your breath.
Most people who looked younger laugh the most. Life will always give us problems, trials and all that crap, but remember, it’s never a problem without a solution. This too shall pass.

14.   Be kind to people.
Kindness kills.

15.   We all fail at one point in our life. Learn from mistakes.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, it will help us grow. But never do the same mistakes again, that would be incompetence. Learn the value of failing, in every battle there’s a winner and a loser. Failure doesn’t make us less of a person unless we do it so often it becomes a bad habit.

16.   Jealousy is a complete waste of time.
Perhaps there are better things in life than pick other people’s greatness or Prada. We are made different so let’s accept defeat. Winners don’t talk about other people, they talk about things that truly matters.

17.   Enjoy the power of youth.
You grow old every single day.

18.     They are your lifeline to the future. Whatever happens, they will back you up when the time comes. Even if you grow apart geographically, make sure you find time to hang out with them. Take a vacation off to see them.

19.   Save mother earth.
We might not know when we all disintegrate because of what we do but as vibrant as we are, the best time to make this a habit is at this point and younger. It is our responsibility to do so.

20.   Quality is better than quantity.
If the price is right, then make the better choice.

21.   Hang out with your siblings.

22.   Call your loved ones.
No need to elaborate. Don’t just sms them, make room for hefty conversations with them, you never know when they will be gone.

23.   Explore the world of movies.
Don’t just watch movies, watch movies with heart. The movies that matter, movies with lessons, movies that make a lot of difference; try La Vida et Bella (Life is Beautiful).

24.   HUGS!

25.   Be reasonable with inflation.
For some reasons, prices will go high accordingly. By the time you’re in 40’s, you might come to realize that the prices back in the day.

26.   Choose your friends wisely.
People come and go and it is indeed difficult to see who stays and who goes. Keep those precious people but they are worth your trouble.

27.   Have at least one quiet alone time.
It will help you think. It will ease your mind from all the clutter. It will make you powerful in such a way that you can bend ideas. Keep a time off your gadgets. Get away from radiation. The quiet time is your avenue for reflection.

28.   Floss.
You wash dishes so well but you don’t floss often. When you grow older, we are all more prone to tooth decay. Take care of your teeth, it is your source to eternal happiness – FOOD!

29.   Pray.
Whoever your god is, whatever you believe, at some point, put yourself in a position where you lay yourself rested to a greater good. There’s no harm in believing unless you practice insignificantly wrong.

So I will stop at 29 because that’s the last 2-ish. I may not have written everything but I guess, I said my piece in a way we so often understand. Tell me what you think of this, shoot me a message or whichever you prefer. I would love to know your ideas as twenty something.

Good luck everyone.

